Working on the thousand gift list today, I began to notice many small things that inspire gratitude, like:
2. The way light filters through the bedroom curtains just after dawn
3. The crisp, cool morning and damp grass on bare feet
4. Freshly painted woodwork in the family room,
5. The furiously wagging tail and look on our beagle's face first thing in the morning
6. The taste of fresh juice... really fresh juice
7. A bouquet of sunflowers on the kitchen table
8. Being surrounded by books...lots of books... and more books -- there's something about books
9. The 'laurel blue' linen curtains in my office -- such a soothing color
10. My tattered Bible with post-its and book marks falling out of it
And then there are the big gifts -- such as the one mentioned yesterday -- the big, transforming, wonderful gifts of special people.
11. Today I am grateful for my Dad, Ernie-Bert -- the big-hearted, giant of a man who is so loved and missed. He would have celebrated is 86
th birthday this year. September 20, his birthday, passed unmentioned for the first time -- an oversight that now hurts my heart.
He died in January 1997, after a long and debilitating illness. But what a life he had! He had an amazing ability to relate to people, was at once tough-minded and kind-hearted, and truly looked at life in a unique way. His sense of humor, punctuated by "
ernieisms' brought light and laughter to just about everyone he met.
He was not just a father, but also a friend -- walking with me through some of life's darkest hours. He was present in my life, when presence was the greatest gift of all. From him I learned both who I am and whose I am.
I am so grateful for his life and his legacy.
Now, let's get this show on the road and wind things down....