Tuesday, November 11, 2008

List Interrupted But Gratitude Continues

Interrupted by life, there are times one falls off the blogbox, but the gratitude continues to pile up.

A few more remarkable things for which I am grateful:
  • vitality (when I feel it)
  • robust health (especially when I don't have it!)
  • freedom
  • having meaningful work AND
  • being paid to do meaningful work!
  • blogs that inspire new thoughts -- or old thoughts about important subject
  • blogs that make me laugh
  • singing hymns -- in my heart and sometimes, out loud
  • the gift of a piano in my home
  • the intelligence and compassion of my family, especially my dear Mother -- she deserves her own post and one of these days, she'll have it
  • friends who will not let me rest, until I've seen a doctor
  • friends who bring chicken soup, jello and all manner of soothing eats when one of us is ill
  • phone messages that remind us we are loved
  • the little personal notes my husband writes on the grocery list in between peanut butter and paper towels
  • facebook! (also on the list of things I hate... facebook! so perhaps it cancels itself out -- but on the positive side, how amazing to connect with people from 20+ years ago!)
  • Psalms
  • my five-year-old neighbor who refreshes my perspective with her enthusiastic outlook
  • a down comforter on a chilly night
  • hot tea + lemon juice + honey --- and the ahhhhhhh it brings
  • Jeff's chapel talks and the faith that prompts them
  • finished projects!! (thank you K, S, M, M, C and C for the gift catalog... significant accomplishment for all)
  • kindred-spirit colleagues/friends

Giving thanks... for all these things and more!

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