Thursday, December 4, 2008

Google Analytics...

... do you have google analytics?

It is that helpful little program that fills one's life with all sorts of interesting statistics. For example, this evening I clicked on analytics and found a red 43.6 percent with a downward arrow. (Insert sad face.)

But my favorite part of the reporting is going in a bit further to read about visitors (Don't worry, it does not divulge the identity of blog visitors-- you, dear reader, may remain anonymous!) There are interesting stats, graphs, maps and categories -- the best of which is entitled:
Absolute Unique Visitors.
Isn't that a wonderful label?

After all, most people are absolutely unique in some way. It is a privilege to discover exactly what is unique about each person.

As we enjoyed an evening with good friends tonight, listening, laughing and sharing stories, I looked around the table and was struck with the uniqueness of each friend. We have different interests, backgrounds, and life experiences and yet the delight of being together, catching up and relating as a group was rich and satisfying.

In the analytics of my heart, the evening will be recorded as 100 percent with an upward arrow. I am so grateful for the gifts of authentic relationships, laughter, and the love of friends!

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